Jaggers arramges for him and Pip to go to London, a city that Pip expects to be grand and full of new opportunities. Instead, he is disappointed by the stench and filth of the city, but is still eager to begin his training as a gentleman. He soon learns that Jaggers is a very important lawyer in London with many clients. Pip meets Wemmick, Jaggers' clerk, who seems very cynical at first, but later seems very lively in different situations. The most important character that Pip meets upon arriving in London is Herbert Pocket, who Pip asks to teach him how to be a gentleman, and they decide to live together after a pleasant dinner in which Herbert teaches Pip many table manners. Herbert is the son of Matthew Pocket, who becomes Pip's tutor and also likes Pip much, but does not have much power because he is constantly oblivious to what goes on around him. Pip quickly adjusts to his new surroundings and he establishes a new life for himself in London with a who new group of people.
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